Wednesday, April 30, 2008

|Home Based Business Leads|

I would like to take the opportunity to show everyone one of my web pages for the Veretekk system. Page one is displayed below.

Links Portals Primary Business Training

Lonny Heiner's Veretekk Page
Get the Gold with a Veretekk Gold System!





VACATIONNOW, all of the above Tools and about 20 more are available in a single sales leads generation and Internet home business development system for free, GOLD VERETEKK! The system will generate high quality free premium email sales leads for ANY INTERNET HOME BUSINESS

Veretekk Gold Portals

You will be equipped with auto responders email systems, SEO, and you will be receiving 1000 to 2500 leads per day; and these sales leads generate business for you! (with the $10/Month Free FFAS upgrade).

There is an entire Premium Leads Management and communications system built into your Veretekk Gold system. All Veretekk sales leads are quality FREE premium email leads as they have been captured by you and Veretekk has double opt in verified them for you. You will have the phone number, name and email address of each free premium email lead.

Stop paying for leads! Do not pay for sales leads!!This program also has experts to train you to bring your sites to the number one spot on Google.Don’t wait, get on the train and get off the sales leads sellers GRAVY TRAIN!

Veretekk also comes with 100’s of hours of available live training in a conference room with white board and browser and two way audio, designed to make you successful! Conference Rooms are also available to you. You may also use the systems recording feature to record an audio/video to your own PC!And that System is available in A Veretekk Marketing and Sales Leads GenerationSystem Today, Veretekk Gold

First sign up for a Free Silver system and listen to all of the recorded discussion of each of the Gold system components, take a couple of classes and then Upgrade to Gold and get started with the premier marketing system on the internet today.

Let's take a glimpse of a part of the system, the Post Classified Ads submission systems available. There are two really powerful Classified ads Blasters available, Blastomatic, and Leadsomatic. With Blastomatic you may submit or post classified ads free online to 12 million sites. The operative term here is that you can post classified ads free online.

With the big daddy, Leadsomatic, you are able to Post your Classified ads free online to 2 Billion sites. Both of these tools will generate quality free premium email leads for your internet home business. Veretekk is not a primary business, it is a premium Leads generation system for your individual primary home businesses.

Many parts of the veretekk system are free for just subscribing, but why do that? Simply get a free Silver Veretekk account, and then upgrade to gold, that's when the fun really begins. Get quality leads, business leads , useful leads, MLM leads, and premium email leads for any Internet based home business with Veretekk, Leadsomatic and a host of other very fine tools.
Finally, something that ties everything together

My Links
Lonny Heiner

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Veretekk Re-makes

Remake revolutionizes the ability to
home based business leads

The remake was totally unexpected, and it turns out to be a
blessing passed down to the current owners of the Veretekk Gold System.  It is a
complicated story, but I will try to tell it.

The Hammer

Those familiar with Veretekk know about the incredible old
time blasting tool called Blastomatic, which will literally blast your
classified ad to 12 million sites.  This tool has been incorporated into each of
The Veretekk Gold systems portals for ever, and has been called the Hammer.
 Veretekk Gold members routinely blast one portal a day containing a different
vanity email address to 12 million sites.  This results in a lot of cpt leads,
or captured leads for each Veretekk Gold Member’s down line. 


Each Veretekk Gold Member has a Blastomatic portal.  Anyone
can come to this portal, and in exchange for their contact information, they can
blast their own Classified ad to 12 million sites, and they can do that as often
as they want.


Veretekk enhanced the Blastomatic model to be able to blast
to 2 Billion sites, but with enhanced capabilities.  The new Leadsomatic would
allow you to control the title of the advertisement, the posting area of Google,
such as Business, 6 keywords, and the relevant description.  This tool was made
available to Veretekk owners and the general public for $10 per month and it was
also an affiliate program.  The free version would post your advertisement to
about 40 search engines.

Enhanced Blastomatic Generates
home based business leads
in spades

Out of the Blue, veretekk severely enhanced the free
version of Blastomatic, adding a generous 5000 leads per month to the free tool
which already allows you to Blast your classified ad to 12 million sites!!!! 
Then, they created the Blastomatic

Affiliate program, which, for 14.95 per month not only allowed you to blast your
classified ad to 2 Billion sites, but with 6 keywords and a designated website
and description, similar to the Leadsomatic model, but not quite that good.
 However, the icing on the cake is that this affiliate delivers 150,000 home
based business leads per month at the nominal rate of 5000 leads per day.


If you are looking for a professional home based business
leads generation and Search Engine Optimization tool and Home based Business
back office system complete with auto responders and all of the back office
stuff that you could imagine, look into the Veretekk system.


My Links


Lonny Heiner


Skype leheiner





The Platinum Veretekk System and HomeBased Business Leads

Both Butch Hamilton and Tom Prendergast talked about the Platinum Veretekk System, Butch in his 6PM Saturday Class and Tom in his Bully Pulpit.

A Platinum system is multiple gold systems; say 7 all tuned up to promote one Internet Home based Business. Can you imagine the power of say 7 systems, all 42 portals in each system pointing to your home based business opportunity and all generating high quality free premium email leads on a 24/7 basis. That is seven time 42 or 294 portals! Linking all 294 of these portals creates a traffic swarm of back links to your Home based business opportunity.

Butch Hamilton lists the cost of a 7 gold system per month as follows:

Gold system #1 $41.95

Level 1= Gold system #2 $41.95

Level 2= Gold system #3 $36.95

Level 3= Gold system #4, #5, #6, #7 $21.95 x 4 = $87.80

Total cost of the Platinum concept = $208.65

I currently have two systems and the second one is not very mature, but my Veretekk affiliate revenue this month was $109. That makes the economics look pretty good! But, the important thing here is the amount of traffic directed to your home based business site and the number of home based business leads that your are able to generate on a daily basis. The tremendous number of high quality premium email sales leads that that system will deliver! Incredible!

Give it some thought. You can also do it as it pays for itself, one gold system at a time. Bottom line, is that the silver system is now dead from a make money with a home based business is concerned. The gold systems and the Platinum system will generate high quality home based business leads for your home based business.

My Links
Lonny Heiner



Monday, April 28, 2008


Collect High Quality
Free Premium Email Leads

Get 60,000 leads
per month

simply use the form below to apply
or go to my site at:
if you have a problem

Either way you
simply don't want to miss out on this prolific leads

Use this site to download 1000 to 2000 high quality
premium email leads
per day. A
free Account gives you 1000 to 2000 leads
per month, and for only $10 per month you can do that every day.
is usually generates at 2000 leads
per day level or
about 60,000 high quality
premium email leads
per Month! I
have been getting 3 to 5% double opt in verification with these leads.

buy leads, get them fresh right here at

Lonny Heiner

me: 360-202-0738

Saturday, April 26, 2008


Using the Drill to post classified ads free and Home based business leads generation

First, let me say that in order for you to use the Drill, you must first be a gold member of Veretekk, a supercharged high quality free home based business leads generation and SEO optimization and marketing system. A classic part of the Drill is that it will post classified Ads extremely fast to a different 1st Classifieds portal each time. Every Veretekk member has such a posting site for people to post classified ads free, so that means that there are over 50,000 places for people and the drill to post to, while trying to generate high quality free premium email leads. I will describe a process below, which will give your site a large boost in Internet visibility while going a long way towards gaining the ability to attract home based business leads, sales leads, business leads, mlm leads, email leads and premium leads for your home based business.

We will start with a promotion of say Blastomatic, a program which allows you to post classified ads free online to 12 million sites. You can generate 10, 20, 50 100 or as many ads as you want all linked to each other and all on a different classified ads site. Can you imagine the SEO power of this? Go to the Drill, located under portal Marketing, and fill in the URL of the site that you are going to promote. In our example,

Next, under Link Title, place your keyword phrase associated with that link. (home based business leads). Next, under the Post to: select the appropriate department, such as Business. Then Fill in the Ad subject, (Home based business leads) and finally the ad content with 30 to 50 or a few more words.(Home based business leadshome based businesshome businessbusiness leadsfree leadssales leadsfree email leadspremium leadshigh quality leadsemail leadsleadsfree business leadshigh quality free premium email leadsemailleads.Lonny Heiner Mentor, Trainer)

Currently I am investigating the use of the same tactic of leadsomatic, posting only keywords, my name and title in the classified section. This is under the theory that I am just trying to create a mini web page for spiders and not create something for people to read. Therefore, I am listing the keywords found on two of my systems and using one of the keyword phrases each time for the title of the next ad and then repeating the process.

Drill the first Classified ad. You will notice that a new URL appears above the URL: and Link Title: input boxes. This is where your ad was manually posted when you pressed the Drill it Button. Drill your next ad. If you were to look at this ad, it would say at the bottom of the ad, words to the effect of, to see more ads click here. So... each of your submitted ads are linked to each other! This is very powerful. Post, or drill all of your ads, and on the last one, COPY THE FINAL POSTING URL!!!!!!! Enter this url into a link on one or more of your portals.

Next, go to Google and search for "powered By: Hot Links sql 2" Business. Select one of the url's displayed that will accept free reverse links, click the "add" button and follow the directions. You will end up with a reverse link to your multi site string of Url's, which the search engine spiders love. Create a free Page for the site that your are promoting, and include the last link on that page. Follow this up with a news release containing the link by reference to your free page, and you have generated a whole lot of Internet visibility that will go a long way toward your ultimate ability to continually attract free high quality home based business leads for your Internet home based business which you manage from the comfort of your own home.

My Links

Lonny Heiner


How to Use Leadsomatic and Home Based Business Leads

Leadsomatic, recently re-done by Veretekk will post classified ads free online to 2 Billion sites, and that site count is growing. Leadsomatic is an incredible tool, as it lets you control the title, the title tag, the description and the keywords, just as if you were doing this on your own web site. Guys, and Girls, you have total control over this tool, just as if you were managing your own web site on your own server. It doesn't get any better than that.

Let us assume that you are on a campaign to drive traffic to Blastomatic, a program used to post classified ads free online to 12 million sites. First, you would log on to your Leadsomatic system, enter your username and password and give your classified ads a name. You would then press the continue button. You will be presented with a new screen, showing first, your classified ads name. The next placeholder is titled Ad Title: This is where you enter your keywords, and Butch Hamilton the SEO Guru says to use the pipe. That is the vertical bar, which is on the keyboard using the shift key just above the enter key"".

An example entry for our promotion of Blastomatic could be: Home based business leads.The next entry is Website URL: Here we would enter: the url for Blastomatic.

The next field is Category: Here you would select an appropriate category from the dropdown box provided. Finally there are 6 keyword entry fields. I have filled them out as shown below:

Home based

Business leads

Home based leads

free Leads

Home business Leads

Lonny Heiner

You continue, and you are presented with a page where you can Configure Your Advertisement. These really should not be called advertisements, as no one is going to see, read or pay any attention to this "advertisement". You are writing and submitting classified ads online for the search engine spiders in order to build internet popularity for your website, by building backlinks to your Blastomatic site, using specific keywords for that particular website and to brand your name! The keywords that you display here are also found on your Blastomatic website. Advertising does not work for internet business sales!

Here, I have entered the following "Description":

Home based business leadsHome based leadsfree leadshome business leadsLonny Heiner Mentor, Trainer. Notice, that I have used the pipe again to identify my keywords to the search engine spiders right in the text of this faux ad. Yip it looks messy, but who cares because no one is going to read it anyway.

Finally, you push the Finish Configuration button and you are on your way to a process that has allowed you to post a message to 2 billion sites that will help the process of getting your site and your keywords up to pages 1 to 7 on Google, which will then provide you with the traffic needed for you to acquire those high quality free premium email leads that you need for your home based business, or to get direct enrollments into your business, and you blast it to 2 Billion sites!

My Links

Lonny Heiner


Friday, April 25, 2008


About Lonny Heiner (Also about Home based Business Leads)

I started my interest in the Internet as a possible source of income last February, 2007 as a past time to recovering from cancer and massive chemo therapy. I was immediately ripped off big time and repeatedly, as I believed all of these nice people who were going to lead me to the storehouse of riches and most of them promised this without much effort.

The Learning Curve

It took too long to learn the ropes, (being the ability to detect the scams, rather than learn the internet home based business) and the crooked masters of deceit took a lot of hard earned money away from me in the learning process.

In April, 2007, I found Veretekk, and began to learn it, while still handling one to three of the programs that I had invested in, which were at best, a major distraction to the Veretekk learning process. The learning curve with Veretekk was steep for me at that time, the hardest part being to grasp what the overall goal of the system is, and then to configure it to do that. It was here that I discovered a group of truly honest folks who wanted to help others, and to empower the little guy! What a relief, and quite frankly I have not left this wonderful place with over 50,000 members.

It is much easier to learn now that the new silver system explains every aspect of the system, and since Butch Hamilton put together his Veretekk Training Manual. Here you will quickly find out that the Heart of the Veretekk system lies in one major aspect of it, and if you get that one down properly, you can hack away on the rest of the nuts and bolts in a more leisurely manner.

The heart of the Veretekk Gold system is in the CONFIGURATION of each of the 42 portals. In a nutshell, a well researched and thought out keyword phrase, A title tag containing that phrase. A two sentence meta tag also containing that phrase, the word Google and your name and tag, 6 keywords including your name, and all 42 portals exactly the same. No html, no glitz, nothing fancy. Just read the training manual and do it. Simple.

Transition to Veretekk Gold Membership

Before the new Silver system and before the training manual, I took many classes from the wonderful Veretekk trainers, and finally, the whole methodology popped into my head, and I knew that I was finally at home, and that I would truly be able to build a valuable internet Business. With this newfound knowledge I converted my silver free Veretekk membership to Gold and the fruits of the system keep growing every day.

I had to see the Light to convert to Gold, because it costs $/Mo

When I found out that the Veretekk system was not all Greek, and that it was learnable, and that it only took a lot of hard work a few hours per day, and that I felt that, yes, I can do this, and not only that, I feel so confident, that I now can help other confused and terrorized internet marketers get to the same place, I felt good.

My one week increase in down line this past week, producing over 4 premium leads/day and over 50 total leads per day. Now with a gold system and the addition of the 150,000 leads per month from the new Blastomatic, the 60,000 leads per month from the new FREE FFAS and the ability to build scores of back links to your sites with leadsomatic, the Internet home based business leads generator and SEO systems a true power house behind any home based business.

My Websites are on page one of Google

It gives me great pleasure to have learned how to get my websites keyword rich and then perform the necessary stuff to get the spiders to know that MY SITES are important and deserve page one recognition on Google from a simple keyword search.

Providing Solutions, Information, how to's is Key to Success

I found out that to succeed in the internet home business, you first had to learn how to do it in all of the aspects of the business that you are promoting and in feeding useful information to others so that you become a resource for others. That means writing Ezines, Articles, blogs, news releases or chatting on forums, or any other means of communication that will guide others to achieve similar results.

Need help, give me a call or email and I will be Glad to Assist You

If you would like a mentor or a trainer, please give me a call and we will see what we can accomplish together.

My Links

Lonny Heiner
Mentor, Trainer

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


I would like to take the opportunity to show everyone one of my web pages for the Veretekk system. Page one is displayed below.

Links Portals Primary Business Training

Lonny Heiner's Veretekk Page

Get the Gold with a Veretekk Gold System!



















NOW, all of the above Tools and about 20 more are available in a single sales leads generation and Internet home based business development system for free,


The system will generate high quality free premium email sales leads for ANY INTERNET HOME BUSINESS

Veretekk Gold Portals

You will be equipped with auto responders email systems, SEO, and you will be receiving 1000 to 2500 leads per day; and these sales leads generate business for you!

(with the $10/Month Free FFAS upgrade).

There is an entire Premium Leads Management and communications system built into your Veretekk Gold system.

All Veretekk sales leads are quality FREE premium email leads as they have been captured by you and Veretekk has double opt in verified them for you. You will have the phone number, name and email address of each free premium email lead.

Stop paying for leads! Do not pay for sales leads!!This program also has experts to train you to bring your sites to the number one spot on Google.

Don’t wait, get on the train and get off the sales leads sellers GRAVY TRAIN!

Veretekk also comes with 100’s of hours of available live training in a conference room with white board and browser and two way audio, designed to make you successful! Conference Rooms are also available to you. You may also use the systems recording feature to record an audio/video to your own PC!

And that System is available in A Veretekk Marketing and Sales Leads GenerationSystem Today, Veretekk Gold

First sign up for a Free Silver system and listen to all of the recorded discussion of each of the Gold system components, take a couple of classes and then Upgrade to Gold and get started with the premier marketing system on the internet today.

Let's take a glimpse of a part of the system, the Post Classified Ads submission systems available. There are two really powerful Classified ads Blasters available, Blastomatic, and Leadsomatic. With Blastomatic you may submit or post classified ads free online to 12 million sites. The operative term here is that you can post classified ads free online.

With the big daddy, Leadsomatic, you are able to Post your Classified ads free online to 2 Billion sites. Both of these tools will generate quality free premium email leads for your internet home business.

Veretekk is not a primary business, it is a home based business premium Leads generation system for your individual primary home based businesses.

Many parts of the veretekk system are free for just subscribing, but why do that? Simply get a free Silver Veretekk account, and then upgrade to gold, that's when the fun really begins.

Get quality leads, business leads , useful leads, MLM leads, and premium email leads for any Internet based home business with Veretekk, Leadsomatic and a host of other very fine tools.
Finally, something that ties everything together

My Links
Lonny Heiner
Mentor, Trainer

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Collect High Quality Free Premium Email Leads

Get 60,000 leads per month

But First see this Incredible Flash Movie

simply use the form below to apply or go to my site at:

You simply don't want to miss out on this prolific leads generator!

Need home based business Leads?

They are right here!!

Use this site to download 1000 to 2000 high quality premium email leads per day. A free Account gives you 1000 to 2000 leads per month, and for only $10 per month you can do that every day. It is usually generates at 2000 leads per day level or about 60,000 high quality premium email leads per Month! I have been getting 3 to 5% double opt in verification with these leads.
Don’t buy leads, get them fresh right here at

My Links

Lonny Heiner
Call me: 360-202-0738

Monday, April 21, 2008


Butch Hamilton Class

Butch Hamilton, noted Search Engine Optimization Master (SEO), stated in his class Saturday that it is possible to just Blog your way to the top position on Google. You must first get yourself a Blog and two were mentioned, Blogfather, and Blogger. There are others as well, but these two are extremely easy to use. Once you are on your Blog site, you need to pick a title for your Blog.

This title is important as it needs to have a keyword specific title. This title should be the same title as in one of your Gold Veretekk systems 42 portals, which are also the same exact words. This title will be helping build your internet visibility. Also Search Engine spiders give you points for having keywords in the title, headings and body of your Blog. A Blog article needs to be written every day, day in and day out. It should contain approximately 200 to 300 words of useful information. It should also contain at least 3 links to off Blog site material, and you should try to have keywords in each of your paragraphs. I currently am advertising my Veretekk and Blastomatic sites, and I am doing that by promoting the keywords home based business leads.

Offer Keyword Rich Useful Information

The sites being promoted are free and that does a great amount of work toward gaining free high quality premium email leads for me. If you are just starting out with a Blog and are going to try to get your keywords to page one of Google, don't use a one word keyword. You will not be able to compete with the many knowledgeable SEO specialists for the first 5 pages of Google. Instead, pick a keyword phrase. It is important that your keyword phrase or word is something that people are searching for. He cautioned that if you think that you intuitively know what these are, you don't. Get a free keyword analyzer and check the keywords out. Do a Google search for them, there are many available and they all basically do the same thing. Pick a long phrase, of 4 or 5 words such as home based business leads or free premium email leads.

Consistent Daily Blog Activity is Important

Butch says that if you consistently write short 300 word Blogs every day, you will soon have over 100 Blog articles, and that is where you start to generate an extreme amount of action. You can get a head start on your Blog volume in the beginning by writing more than one informative article per day. He also highly emphasizes that you need to loose your advertising mentality. What people on the internet are searching for is INFORMATION. They don't want to even hear about your opportunity to make a zillion dollars. They want to learn from your article something that they can do or use to profit from their own internet home based business. They have no interest in your program.

If you could show them how to post their own classified ads free online containing their own website keywords out to 12 million sites in order to drive internet traffic to them, do you think that they would be interested?

Every time that you write a Blog, be sure to submit it to Google for indexing. If you own a veretekk gold system, hand submit all 42 of your Veretekk URL's to Google, if they are not daisy chained. If they are linked to each other, submitting one site submits them all because the spiders will follow the links.

My Links
Lonny Heiner

Mentor, Trainer


Sunday, April 20, 2008


Splash Pages Not Spider Friendly

Did you know that most affiliate programs that give you a free splashy web page are replicated pages, and that search engines simply do not like them? Did you know that it is probably impossible to get one of these pages recognized enough to bring it anywhere near the first 7 top pages of Google? With these pages, you can not insert your Keywords home based business leads into the title tag, and you could not make the Meta tag "read Blastomatic will allow you to acquire home based business leads free online" at Google. In fact, most of them do not let you change the content in any way; your page says the same thing that everyone else in your affiliate’s pages says., and it looks the same as well.

Free Web Pages for Search Engine Marketing

One viable cure for the venerable Splash page crippling for SEO purposes is to get your own Free Web Pages site and put a lot of very useful keyword rich content on that page, which you then promote to the Search Engine Spiders. That page would have a link to your crippled splash page for leads capture purposes and the operating functions of your particular affiliate, whatever they are. Since you control the free page, you can then control the Title and insert your keywords home based business leads, make the Meta tag read "Blastomatic will allow you to acquire home based business leads free online" at Google.

Using Free Pages From Veretekk

Any one may use Free Web Pages to generate free websites for themselves.. All Gold members of Veretekk, have their own copy of Free Pages, and offer them free to others to use for their own Internet Home Based Businesses. To use Free Pages to create a free website, first fill out the form which asks for your user name. This username is the actual Name of this website and you will need to have a unique username for each website that you create. It will be needed later if you wish to edit this page. Enter a login password of your choice, does not have to be unique to this page. Now enter the Title Tag, Maybe home based business leads here. Enter an optional Meta tag, "Blastomatic will allow you to acquire home based business leads free online at Google", description and the Meta tag keywords, home based business leads.

Page and Link settings

Next you will have options for the Text colors (Optional), Background colors (Optional), Background Image (Optional), Link color choices (Optional) and Visited link color choices (Optional).
A Section is provided where you enter in the information required for the placement of three links on the bottom of your Free Page. These are the Link addresses and the Link Titles. This is a very nice feature.

Body of the Website

You must enter HTML code in the box provided for the body of your website. If you want to just enter plain text, simply include a line break code of
to create line breaks where needed. NOTE: Gold Veretekk subscribers, you can use tracking code from your VereTracking system in this code. You will have a much nicer looking website if you either use html if you know it, or if you get yourself a free or purchased WYSIWYG html editor. Enter your keyword rich content in this section and any links to splash pages that you own, and you are on your way. My pages are sprinkled with home based business leads, Lonny Heiner. Mentor, Trainer. Or using pipes homebasedbusinessleads.

Create as many Free Pages as you Need

Build as many relevant sites as you need, all pointing back to the site that you are promoting for search engine recognition. Make sure that you build a spread sheet or have a system to keep track of the username and password of every page, so that you can modify them as you need to with the passage of time. This information is emailed to you whenever you submit a page. Make a practice of always filing them in a folder where you can find them later. Also, each time that you create a page, submit it to Google and other relevant search engines of your choice.

My Links

Lonny Heiner

Mentor, Trainer

Saturday, April 19, 2008


Communicating with Premium Leads Responding to Home Based Business Leads in Veretekk

Built in premium leads auto Responders

The Veretekk system has built in auto responders for all of your traffic portals, which among other things are used to send out a series of pre-written letters automatically once
the lead is captured. To enable this feature, you must turn it on and select which set of letters you want a specific portal to receive. If you have been capturing daily Blastomatic leads
with the keyword phrase Home Based Business Leads and you had gone to Portal marketing, Blastomatic, Auto responders, Auto responder, there will be a tab to select your set of sequential letters and a button to activate of turn off the auto responder. If it is active, the instance the lead is captured the lead will begin receiving your series of letters or a default series of your choice.

Blast letters to your down line weekly with the Bully Pulpit

If you are a Gold Veretekk member, you will be able to blast a one page sequential letter once a week of your choice to each of your premium leads portals, your FFA Farm Leads, your Email Capture leads (CPT) and your Veremail uploaded leads. And, for each subcategory of these Major Lead categories, you are able to send a different letter if you so desire. These letters can be either in html or text format. It is up to you if you wish to include keywords such as sales
, or business leads, or free or quality email leads. To get to the Bully Pulpit, press communications, Bully Pulpit.

Everyday Premium Leads Communication

During the week following a Bully Pulpit Post, you may communicate with your premium leads through the premium leads area. Go there by pressing the communications button
followed by the premium leads button. You will be presented with the Premium leads
page, with the Heading "The Crème De Le Crème! These are the people who need to be called. They are real business people just like yourself, looking for a solution to doing business on
the internet, and that is why they responded to you and are a premium lead of yours. These are not lists bought and sold to everyone; these are leads that you attracted with your Veretekk system. Treat them with respect. Your keywords captured these people, who reacted to your keywords, Home Based Business Leads, which brought these leads to you.

Functionality of the Premium Leads page

The first thing that you are required to do is to press the down arrow where it says "Look for Premium Leads to Process. Do that and select the group of premium leads of interest, say Blastomatic. And then press search. You will get a notice similar to the one following."You currently have 143 Blastomatic leads. To process your contacts, simply click on their name below. New listings for the last 24 hours are shown in RED. Listings in GREEN are those you have talked to (and updated the Notes section below)." Press the first hopefully red
name and two major groups come up; Communicate Options, and Management options.

Communication Options

1.Email Communications.

This device allows you to send Verified email instantly from your system while you are in contact with your prospect. Not only is it safer, it is faster and requires little effort on your
part. Just choose the "Email Communication" link from the above pull down menu.

2. The Sequential Mailer. Select from the unlimited number of email sets you have made or choose the effective default set of letters to automatically send a series of letters to your prospect. Just choose the "Sequential Mailer" link from the above pull down menu to display the Sequential Mailer's pull down menu. Then choose the set you want sent and press the submit button.

3. Post Office. The post office allows you to support your email campaign via postal mail. This will add credibility to your marketing efforts. Click the Letters button and then read the processing instructions. Simply choose a letter you want to send to your contact. You may view your letters by clicking the View letters button. Select the letter you want to send, it will customize a PDF
letter you can print out and mail to your contact. Your post office records the letters you have sent to each contact for you.

4. Market Center. The Market Center is a very comprehensive presentation about Home Based Internet Businesses. The presentation concludes with a visit to your business opportunities web site. Send a special passkey link, via verified email, to your prospect to share with them this dynamic presentation...which shares your business opportunity. Select the Market Center link from the above pull down menu. Select either to send the full invitation to your contact or just go view your passport yourself by clicking the enter button.

Management Options

1.Profile Management.

Keep your contact information for your prospect up to date. Fill in missing information, fix bad email addresses by reverifying them. Just choose the "Profile Management" link from the above pull down menu.

2. Contact Management. This is a virtual note pad to keep notes on what you talked about. Special event dates so you can get back to your prospect when they want to hear from you. Keep notes so you can refer to pertinent information in future conversations. Making your calls much more effective and closing the "deal" that much easier.

3. Content Resources. This is a list of great ideas and tid bits to help give you ideas on what to talk about with your prospect. Filled with facts, anecdotes, quotes and great Internet war stories from Tom and Clay. If you need something to talk about, this is a great resource.

4. Discount Coupon. Send your prospect a special coupon via your Veretekk system, that will save them 50% off from the 95 standard set up fee. Use this discount as an incentive to reward your prospect for joining your opportunity, subscribing to your service or buying your product(s).


The Premium Leads and Bully Pulpet parts of the Veretekk System are very powerful. Your ability to communicate with all of your leads is impressive, but the Power of the control panel for the premium leads is simply awesome. Here, the Veretekk Gold system is King over the silver system. This is only part of the power of those keywords such as Home Based Business Leads coupled with the Veretekk system brings to you.

My Links

Lonny Heiner

Mentor, Veretekk Trainer


Thursday, April 17, 2008

My Leads

Build a Blog to Develop Internet Visibility with home Based Business leads

Butch Hamilton Class

Butch Hamilton, the noted Search Engine Optimization Specialist (SEO), stated in his class Saturday that it is possible to just Blog your way to the top position on Google. You must first get yourself a Blog and two were mentioned, Blogfather, and Blogger. There are other Blog sites as well, but these two are extremely easy to use.

Blog Title Should be Keyword Specific

Once you are on the site, you need to pick a title for your Blog. This title is important as it needs to have a keyword specific title. This title will be repeated over and over again, so it needs to be helping build your internet visibility. Also Search Engine spiders give you points for having
keywords in the title, headings and body of your Blog.

Daily Posts Desired

A Blog article needs to be written every day, day in and day out. It should contain approximately 200 to 300 words of useful information. It should also contain at least 3 links to off Blog site material, and you should try to have keywords in each of your paragraphs. I currently am advertising my Veretekk and Blastomatic sites, and I am doing that by promoting the keywords

Home Based Business leads.

Offer Keyword Rich Useful Information

The sites being promoted are both free and do a great amount of work toward gaining free high quality premium email leads for my several Internet Home businesses. If you are
just starting out with a Blog and are going to try to get your keywords to page one of Google, don’t use a one word keyword. You will not be able to compete with the many knowledgeable SEO specialists for the first 5 pages of Google. Instead, pick a keyword phrase. It is important that your keyword phrase or word is something that people are searching for. He cautioned that
if you think that you intuitively know what these are, you don’t. Get a free keyword analyzer and check the keywords out. Do a Google search for them, there are many available and they all basically do the same thing. Pick a long phrase, of 4 or 5 words such as home Based Business leads

Consistent Daily Blog Activity is Important

Butch says that if you consistently write short 300 word Blogs every day, you will soon have over 100 Blog articles, and that is where you start to generate an extreme amount of action. You can get a head start on your Blog volume in the beginning by writing more than one informative article per day. He also highly emphasizes that you need to loose your advertising mentality. What people on the internet are searching for is INFORMATION. They don’t want to even hear about your opportunity to make a zillion dollars. They want to learn from your article something that they can do or use to profit from their own internet activities. They have no interest in your program. If you could show them how to post their own classified ads containing their own website keywords out to 12 million sites in order to drive internet traffic to them, do you think that they would be interested?

Every time that you write a Blog, be sure to submit it to Google for indexing. If you own a
silver or gold system, hand submit all 42 of your Veretekk URL’s to Google.

My Links

Lonny Heiner

Mentor, Veretekk Trainer